Tuesday, December 22, 2015

BeoLab 90 – Column Capacity of 8,200 Watts

Developers Bang & Olufsen to be congratulated. The following month, a Danish company 90 years. For commercial enterprise – a great achievement.
In honor of this event the firm has created a unique column. New capacity of 8200 Watts called BeoLab 90. It weighs 137 kg product.
BeoLab 90 - Column Capacity of 8,200 Watts
At the heart of the audio system – 18 speakers and amplifiers. The release will take place in mid-November.
BeoLab 90 - Column Capacity of 8,200 Watts
Column easily adapted to the acoustic characteristics of the room. Manage BeoLab-90, you can use the smartphone. Brand mobile application available.
BeoLab 90 - Column Capacity of 8,200 Watts
BeoLab 90 - Column Capacity of 8,200 Watts
Technology Beam Width Control lets you control the audio stream: distribute evenly throughout the room, be sent to the desired angle, and so on.
BeoLab 90 - Column Capacity of 8,200 Watts
The only “but”: the device is 40,000 US dollars. An impressive amount.
Source: device-boom

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